DjBrian Allen Blog: Bacon Club Official
Bacon club -Alpha Media USA Anchorage, AK
Founders: DjBrian Allen, Steven Franklin, and John Ontheradio Miller
John proclaims official start to meeting with a HERE YE HERE YE! This meeting is now called to order.
Brian proclaims the rules of Bacon Club and proclaims “We are gathered here to celebrate this thing called Bacon, it’s really good. All agree say I”.. A Unanimous I was called and the meeting was adjourned for bacon celebration time.
1. Talk about Bacon Club to everybody. (tell you why later)
2. Meetings held whenever bacon is present with enough for each person in attendance. Or at least monthly.
3. If it’s your first time at Bacon Club. You have to bring the bacon..
(Founders get free bacon from each new member.) DISCLAIMER: The Anti-Bacon Club and it’s affiliates, sympathizers, their relatives, friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers that disagree with our club are not welcome unless the required bacon is brought to the first meeting. Thank you
To be an official member in the only Bacon Club recognized by the founding chapter of Bacon Club you must submit your photos and use the hash tag to be eligible for consideration.
Use the hash tag #BaconClub to register your chapter application by posting on facebook..
by reading this far you agree that you will hold the members of Bacon Club, their employers, friends, family and anyone they consider giving amnesty to Harmless of any or all forms of anything legal or whatnot. Thank You