Groups seek to influence Murkowski on Kavanaugh vote
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – The political arm of the National Rifle Association says it’s running a TV ad in Alaska urging Sen. Lisa Murkowski to confirm President Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee.
The ad is part of a national and regional advertising campaign.
Others are also trying to influence Murkowski.
Health care advocacy group Protect Our Care says it’s running ads to urge a no vote on Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
Murkowski, a Republican, wants to meet with Kavanaugh and speak with him in detail on various issues.
She also has said she plans to review his decisions and writings off the bench, listen to his responses to Senate Judiciary Committee members and consider the views of Alaskans in determining whether to support him.
Fellow Alaska Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan plans to support Kavanaugh.
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