Here’s Your anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription

No more  eating  processed meat, take a brisk walk every day, do the Sunday crossword, stick to one glass of wine at dinner, and avoid cigarettes. There you go!  the recipe for lowering your risk of Alzheimer’s by a full 60-percent.

And it comes from the latest report from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. They tracked thousands of people for a decade……and they found that those lifestyle choices can lower a person’s risk for Alzheimer’s, even if they’re genetically predisposed to the disease.

The researchers say they were “floored” by the “magnitude of the effect” from making these simple changes.  

Again, to dramatically lower your Alzheimer’s risk: Ditch processed meat, walk every day, do the Sunday crossword, stick to one glass of wine at dinner, and avoid cigarettes.

The post Here’s Your anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription appeared first on John Tesh.