Is An Adult Gap Year Right For You?

You’ve probably heard of a gap year… It’s typically a year off that teens take between high school and college – to experience life, try something new, and prepare themselves for college life.

Well, there’s a new type of gap year. It’s for older adults who have been in the workforce for decades. They’re not ready to retire – but they ARE ready for their second act. But a lot of them aren't sure of their direction. So they take a gap year to pursue their passions, or take classes to learn new skills… so they can re-enter the workforce in a new career.

And according to MarketWatch, adult learning is the hot trend in education these days.

And because people are living longer, they’re also working longer… and updating professional skills is important for people who want to try new careers later in life.

And there are a lot of older adults in the population. In the next 15 years, the number of adults aged 65 and older will outnumber those under age 18.

So, people in their 50s and 60s, who aren't ready to retire, are taking a gap year to switch gears and come back for their second act!