Source: YouTube

There was an effort to do away with it in Congress but it never got sent for a full vote. According to the latest poll of Americans, 35% of respondents want to keep changing clocks twice a year (Spring Forward is March 10), while 61% want to stay on standard time. This was made a law in 1966 as an effort to help farmers, saying the extended daylight in the summers were good for mental health, benefited farming jobs and cut down on rush hour accidents. Those against it argue it’s tougher on shift workers, leads to job mistakes and lead to mood swings and anxiety.

Firefighters remind you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors when you change clocks. The official time change happens at 2am Sunday November 5 when you set your clock back an hour.

What do you think?  Do you like the time changes or do you want Daylight Saving Time to be done?