If you’ve been thinking about getting some backyard chickens, but you’re wary of committing to something you don’t know much about, now there’s a solution. Businesses are now renting them out so people can experiment with chicken ownership.

One company is company is called RentTheChicken.com – and HatchTheChicken.com. And people who have no experience with chicken keeping can rent two to four laying hens, along with a coop, food and water dishes, and enough feed for the six-month rental period.

For a hatching experience, customers get two live chicks, an incubator with eggs, a heated cage and enough feed to last the duration of the rental. The rental chickens are a breed called Golden Comets, which are very friendly, even with dogs. And the chick, egg and incubator rental will see the chicks triple in size during the duration of the rental – and the eggs will hatch, so everybody can enjoy the birth of the chicks.

Rent The Chicken and Hatch The Chicken are all over the US and Canada. They rent out thousands of chickens each year and provide ongoing support to renters as they learn the ins and outs of chicken keeping. At the end of the rental period, the renter has the option to adopt their chickens or return them back to the homestead. There are other companies that do the same thing, like RentAChicken.net and RentACoop.com.

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